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Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Muse

You didn't believe me, did you?

This picture is from Jonathan Adler's Atlanta showroom opening last week, posted on Erika Ward's site http://www.blulabelbungalow.com/ 

Upbeat, positive, energetic, colorful and just plain happy, Erika wants to extinguish with her site  "the myth that style and budget are mutually exclusive."

Genius, yes?

As a designer you want to create something worthy, a space that will impress your client and their family and friends every time they walk in the door. That 'WoW' factor that makes your client feel confident their money was well spent. That they got value for their expenditure.

You want them to like it and by extension... to like you.

Writers want to do the same. We want to entertain, to thrill, to occupy a space in the reader's mind that makes them stay up late to read another chapter, then curse us for lost sleep. We want the reader to itch to get back to the story, to worry over the hero's predicament, to sigh over the resolution and, in romance, the Happy Ever After.

...If you're looking for ideas to spark your creativity in decorating your home or  making your colorful, frugal writing Muses happy take a look at Erika Ward's site, blulabelbungalow.com   

 ...For writing sparks, lessons, and craft, check out http://www.savvyauthors.com/vb/content.php.

 A bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Those salt and pepper shakers are SO cute! "Only" $48. As you know, I am in the middle of crazy home decorating this week, and it is definitely inspiring my muses! Great analogy between designers and writers. Now, back to painting...


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