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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Friday Online Writers' BlogHop

This week’s question:
Inspired by the spectacular melt down of Jacqueline Howett on Big Al’s Book Blog, how do you deal with a bad review?

Please join in in welcoming Nichole Chase from Nichole Chase  with this week’s answer.
I haven't officially published any of my works yet, but I hope that I would handle a bad review with grace. I think that the only appropriate way to respond to a review is to say thank you, and in most cases only in a private forum (email, or private message). Bad reviews hurt, even if they are handled in a professional manner. The hurt the author experiences should be kept private, and only shared with friends. Eat some chocolate cake, and watch a good movie- That is how I would handle a bad review. Probably shed a few tears to my friends or my husband, and then move on! You can always get better!

Adding this link to Nathan Bransford's blog about this here and here. The first link addresses the virtual witchhunt this writer endured, the second is advice on how to handle negative reviews.
There's nothing more to add to his words there, and he says it all better than anyone else could.

About Friday Follow Online Writers' Bloghop:   Elizabeth Sharp of SomeSharpWords started this bloghop. So... if you have a blog, you're a writer! And we  want you to participate, so join in! Here are the rules to Follow:
  • Follow this blog (required)
  • Follow Elizabeth's blog, the originator of this hop
  • Follow the featured author of the week
  • Copy the image code on SomeSharpWords (Elizabeth's blog) and paste in your blog. Add your link while you're there too. 
  • Copy and Paste the rules to the Bloghop, as well as this week's question:
                    The one  above^
  • Answer the question (anywhere, but I put mine in the comments)
  • You must copy the rules, the hop link, and answer the featured question on your blog 
  • Follow, Follow, Follow! Network, Connect, Make a Community. We love talking to our followers and replying to your comments!
  • If someone stops by, says 'Hi', and follows you, the polite thing to do is to follow back. 
  • Comment here, introduce yourself, and you just might find a new follower or two.

This is the blog hop for the writing community. Every Friday writers who blog come together and hop! Leave your name and URL of the FF post and we'll come visit you too.
1. Pam Asberry  13. Pamela V Mason  
2. Elizabeth Sharp  14. Amy @ Word Luster  
3. Nichole Chase  15. C. Andrew Wolfe  
4. Gabrielle Bisset  16. Lara Sterling  
5. Liz Schulte  17. L.G. Smith  
6. Belinda @ Writings Of A Dreamer  18. Victoria Denson  
7. Lindy Chaffin Start  19. Nadja Notariani  
8. Shah@WordsinSync  20. E Kelly  
9. Michelle Ferguson  21. Julius Cicero  
10. Paige W. Pendleton  22. LindsayWrites!  
11. the epitome  23. Dia Patrece Robinson  
12. Julee J. Adams  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I write while walking on my treadmill at a very sloooow 1 mph. I can burn up about 400 calories with a couple hours of writing. I also have a desk in the front room, but if the weather's gorgeous that's not a good idea, since I tend to look out and daydream....

  2. I love that you use writing as exercise! That is definitely a new one LOL! If I had a treadmill I would try it! Happy Friday!

  3. Hop, hop, hop. I'm a little fat blog bunny.

  4. A window is good! Saved many a minute of block by noticing one tiny thing that set the ball rolling!

  5. Hi! I'm a new follower from the writer's hop. I just finished reading your post about Jane Eyre. I'm looking forward to seeing that. Always liked the darker side. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Gabrielle Bisset

  6. I like to write stretched out in my recliner in the living room. My dog usually pushes his way onto my legs and falls asleep, which I like less. When I want to get very, very serious (and ditch the dog), I write in my new comfy office chair in the office area of my bedroom.

  7. Hi Pam! I am so not coordinated enough to write and walk at the same time LOL I do however grab my Kindle and read while I'm on the treamill. I use my laptop to write so I'm usually on my bed, where it's the most comfy. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

    You can find me here - Writings Of A Dreamer

  8. Thank you for following Gabrielle. Your blog is beautiful!

    Paige, with all that snow, I don't know what yu can see out the window up there!

  9. Hello! This is my first bloghop--it's fun! I like your blog!

    Janet B Taylor

  10. Pam, you are a genius! I may have to steal your idea and attempt to walk and write! :) Happy Friday!!

  11. Thanks for stopping by Michele! You sound well equipped-- sleeping dog and all. I have a cat, but she doesn't have anything to do with me. I'm just the Feeder.

    Thanks for visiting Belinda! As I said, it's a sloooow 1 mph. But you look at the screen and wowza! 400 calories! There's a lot of authors who do this... try googling walking desk if you ever feel adventurous.

    Good to see you here Janet! Your site is lovely-- I stopped by and commented on the Zombie post. Hope you come back again!

  12. Pambo, love the idea...I have my office in the front of the house and my writting desk in the kitchen.

  13. You win the multitasking award of the Year! You are one awesome lady :)


Thank you for following!